6 Signs You're Ready To Date Again
19 JanuaryIf you think you’re ready to date again, this is one of the sure-fire signs that you are indeed prepared. If you’re prepared to dive into the dating scene and even a relationship there are a few ways to know if you’re truly prepared. You find yourself...
How To Make Him Fall In Love With You After The First Date
12 JanuaryWhen you’ve been single for a little while or what seems like an eternity, there are some tricks you can learn to make him fall in love with you. This is powerful stuff, ladies, so make sure you want to keep this guy around long-term before you use these...
New Years Eve Ideas For Singles — Have No FOMO!
23 DecemberThe holidays are almost over, but there’s one more celebration to go. It’s time to have a blow out with the best New Years Eve ideas for singles out there. You may have been lamenting about being single for the entire 12 months, but on this night it’...
Signs A Woman Is Attracted To You Online — 9 Ways To Know
12 DecemberSo many men I’ve coached and talked to, don’t understand the signs a woman is attracted to you — or not. There’s a good reason for that too. In school, you weren't taught anything about dating. You definitely didn’t learn about body language or what women want....
15 Signs He Finds You Attractive — Body Language Clues
03 DecemberSo you’ve landed your first date, and you’re wondering something important. What are the signs that he finds you attractive? We know you might be analyzing every text he sends. How do you know if a guy likes you or not? Signs he finds you attractive aren’t...
11 Unspoken Rules Of Online Dating Etiquette
24 NovemberYou know the dating scene has taken some twists and turns since online dating has hit center stage. If you’re one of the good guys, how are you supposed to know the online dating etiquette rules? If you’re looking for answers — I’ve got em! There are things...
9 Sure-Fire Ways To Spot Online Romance Scams
10 NovemberBill signed up for a social media site. He was lonely and started talking to this beautiful woman online. He was overweight, didn’t have any friends and was living on his disability check. Bill didn’t have much going for him. She was sweet and said all the right...
Date Tips From Bonfire — Why Meeting Farmers Online Is Better Than IRL
05 NovemberAt Bonfire dating, we want to share the best date tips for country-loving’ people. We know it’s challenging living the farm life and looking for fun and romance at the same time. Farmers are busy and don’t have much time to read about dating advice. So, we’re...
Who Should Pay For A First Date? Her Or Him? The Votes Are In!
21 OctoberWhen you ask the question who should pay for a first date, it depends. There are no rules carved into stone at the cattle ranch. But you want to do the right thing. So, who should pay for a first date? The guy?Your expectations about this your potential romance...
22 Cheap First Date Ideas That Will Get You The Second Date And Blow Her Mind!
20 OctoberIf lots of first dates are costing you a bundle and you’re still looking for the right women — These cheap first date ideas will save you piles of money!...
Online Dating Messages That Work On Good Country Men — 15 Examples You Can Steal
30 SeptemberIf you’re just starting out in the online dating world, it can be daunting, especially when you’re getting ready to send that first online dating message. There are plenty of things to say — And not to say. We’ll cover online dating messages that work.But before you...
28 Reasons To Date A Country Girl — I Mean Country Gal
29 SeptemberYou see a woman you like on the bonfire dating app. And you’re wondering what are the reasons to date a country girl or this gal in particular. She writes about living in a small town and goes to parties out in the wood or the field. There are...
Online Dating Profile Photo Tips For Men — From A Woman Who Isn't Afraid To Get Her Boots Dirty
23 SeptemberNo matter how you feel about online dating — It can seem overwhelming. Especially to a man who is just putting himself out there after a divorce and hasn’t had a date for ten years. Online dating tips are critical for you to go out with a woman who gets...
37 Country Music Song Quotes That’ll Make You Want To Fall In Love All Over Again
22 SeptemberThere’s something about country music song quotes that pull your heartstrings and make you want to meet that “forever farmer guy” or “forever farmer gal.” If you ever have trouble thinking that love is for you these songs will help you remember what love feels like. Sometimes saying “I...
8 Things to Know When Dating a Farmer
16 SeptemberIn the age of online dating, society is all about streamlining the dating process. Put up a nice picture, write a catchy sentence or two to engage other singles, and make yourself look good in your bio. It’s like fishing, except every single fish has a preferred bait and...
How to Set Up Your Dating Profile to Get More Views
15 SeptemberGetting started on a new dating platform can be a daunting task. You may feel obligated to think of the cleverest puns and spend hours finding the right angle for that cover photo. But crafting an excellent dating profile isn’t an impossible task, especially if you know some tried...
Dating Country Guys — The Dos & Don’ts of Finding Down-Home Love
05 SeptemberDating country guys isn’t just about cowboy boots, big whiskey hats, big trucks and huggin’. But that is part of the picture — OK, maybe a lot of it! When you’re dating a country guy a farmer or an avid hunter or outdoors man, there are some things you...
31 Perks Of Dating A Farmer — It’s Not All Fairy Tales And Cow Tails
05 SeptemberThere are lots of perks of dating a farmer, and there are challenges as well. The farm life is gratifying when you put your attention on the things you love. But if you love the country life, or end up falling in love with a farmer — You learn to see...